Sunday, November 11, 2012

Turkey time

This past weekend my mom and I went to an event at Crate and Barrel. It was all about prepping for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. As a 20 something I have never hosted a Thanksgiving. So I thought this would be a fun way to start learning. Especially since I could shop afterwards!

We learned about carving a turkey. She used a chicken, but they are both birds, so it was very similar. One great tip I learned was to find the breast bone and gently cut on each side of it to efficiently cut the breast meat. Also, the skin is one of the best parts (it has so much flavor). She said you have to cut gently enough to keep the skin on. Here is a picture of her carving the breast bone.

The other tips she gave us were about serving the turkey. I never would have thought about this. One great tip she gave us was to put the different parts of the turkey together. That way, people can easily pick out the pieces of meat they like. So many people only like one type of meat.  Setting up the tray this way makes for a speedy turkey line! She set up her tray with some green and some lemon. The colors looked so pretty and I wanted to use the lemon so bad! Here's a picture of her tray:

I also saw some place settings that I really loved! I think it's a great idea to put an ornament on everyone's plate. Not only does it make the plate look beautiful, but it's a great gift for them to take home. It really starts of the holiday season! You could pick pinecones and spray paint them metallic and use some fishing line to make an ornament. That would be a DIY way to make the following ornament:

Lastly, I have decided that metallic is the trend this year. And I love metallic, so it's awesome to me! Here is a picture of their display. Metallic city.

Yay for the holidays, especially metallic ones! I hope you have a fabulous Thanks day celebrating with your family!

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