Monday, November 5, 2012

Random tip

So as I was working on a project today I thought of a random tip I thought I would share with you. This is a tip I learned from my wonderful fiance, whose dad is a contractor. These things are like second nature to him, but I thought it was a clever tip I should share.

Many times when I am painting something, one coat just won't do. Often times I need to put a second, or even third coat on it. As a someone who wants to conserve paintbrushes (especially when I use oil-based paint that doesn't come out easily) I thought this was a great tip. So here it is. Between coats, you can put the paintbrush in saran wrap or a plastic bag and put it in the fridge. This will doubly keep it from drying out. Then you can use it for a second coat!

Stay tuned for the project I am working on that sparked this post!

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