About Me

Currently, I am wading my way through grad school. I soon hope to be a Speech-Language Pathologist.
I love learning and reading and could happily spend my life being a student.
Helping people brings me joy and I've chosen a career that will allow me to help other people share their thoughts.
Well know fact: I can't stop talking. Like, I'm really good at it.
I revel in the little things. Example - cuddling with my dogs while watching the snow blanket this little part of the world called Indiana.
The big city beckons and I don't plan on living in Indiana forever.
My dog Audi has curly hair and I love that mine matches.
Three words to describe me include young, ambitious and eager.
I surround myself with talented people who create beautiful things - my boyfriend is a graphic designer, my mom is an interior designer and my best friend is a writer - and now, with a little help from them, I'm seating for my own fabulous style.
Just so you know, I'm ready to find my place in this crazy, upside-down life.