Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fully loaded

The booth is now fully loaded with lots of new stuff! Head on down to Midland to check out all of our goodies! Here are two pictures of what the new setup looks like now:

We have a new men's valet stand that you can see on the right in the picture!

We also redid the chandelier. It is now a white wonder :)

If you remember in our last post I showed you this sneak peak of the dresser:

This is our after in the booth:
We refinished it and I restored the original brass handles. In a future post I will tell you all about restoring metals!

Hope you enjoyed our update! Keep your eyes peeled for more of our DIY furniture projects!

Friday, June 22, 2012

New desk and a sneak peak

We have a new mid-century modern desk in the booth at Midland! It is from 1965. Here's a picture of it in the booth:

The chair had an ugly fabric on it before, so we decided to reupholster. I bought the fabric that is on it now at Joann's. My local Joann's was moving to another location, so they were having a sale to get rid of extra merchandise. I snatched this fabric up because of it's great weave and texture. Here's how we reupholstered it.

Materials needed: Screwdriver, fabric, nice stapler or hand held staple gun.

Step 1: Unscrew the cushion from the chair, by flipping the chair over.

Step 2: Cut out a piece of your fabric that is about 2 inches bigger than the cushion on each side.

Step 3: Flip the cushion over and put the fabric under it.

Step 4: Fold one side over and start stapling with a staple gun.

Step 5: Fold the corners so that they look tidy on the other side and keep stapling until finished.

Step 6: Flip the pad over and screw it back onto the chair. Voila you have a reupholstered chair pad!

We are pretty excited about this fabulous find. Here is a sneak peak of something else we are working on. Shhh don't tell anyone that we showed you! It's an antique dresser that we are staining.

We will have the after pictures soon, I promise! Stay tuned :)

Chanel & Mina

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Wednesday Pinsday posted on a Thursday

Lately, we've been on a bike kick. Chanel and I have been taking every
opportunity to enjoy the sunshine. It's amazing how much fun we have
just peddling around our little part of the world. Our top two
favorite places to bike are the farmer's market and to yoga class.
Riding bikes not only saves gas money, it's helping our legs look
fantastic in time for those lazy summer days on the boat.
In our third edition of Wednesday Pinsday, Chanel and I decided to
spotlight our favorite bike themed pins.

Mina's pins...

What does my bike look like you might ask? Like this -

Chanel's pins...

What does Chanel's bike look like? Like this -

Cheers and happy riding!
- Mina 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Double Dip DIY Dyed Hair-tie

We have a tutorial for you today! As some of you may know, I (Chanel) dye my her hair red and Mina does it for me. The other day when we were dying my hair, I realized I could transform a hair-tie. I had a hair-tie that I was tired of being lime green. It always stuck out in my red hair. So when we were done, I had Mina rub some of the hair dye on it. Here is a picture of the finished product:

Like I said, all you have to do is rub some of the hair dye you have left over (while still wearing the gloves). Then, you have to rinse it (just like your hair) or it will get on everything. I just took mine into the shower with me and it worked perfectly. Now I have a hair-tie that doesn't stick out and blends in with my hair. This would be perfect if you were going for a sleek ponytail look!

Happy DIYing!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday Pinsday, Part Deux!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for round two of Pinsday pins. 

Without further adieu, here are Mina's favorites... 

What made Chanel's favorites this week? 

Chanel loved the last pin so much that she (and a few friends) decided to take the opportunity to empty a great a bottle of wine. She then followed the simple DIY instructions and ended up with a lovely citronella smelling bottle to light up the warm summer nights and keep those pesky misquotes at bay. 

Inspired by any pins you've found this week? Drop us a line or send a picture of your Pinterest inspired DIY activities - good or bad- for your chance to be featured on the blog! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Reverse! Reverse! Everybody clap your hands!

Even though our booth is still a youngster, this past weekend we decided to do a little reverse. So we went to the booth and changed things up a bit.
It is important to us to keep the booth fresh and new. So we gathered up our new price tags and started a moving dance.
Here are some pictures of the new(ly arranged) booth and of our favorite pieces!

The new and rearranged booth!

A tall look at the booth (includes the chandelier)

The vintage blue desk

The repurposed, glossy black dresser

Mid-century modern buffet OR dresser

And a lovely chandelier to top things off!

If you are interested in any of the pieces, you can always find them at Midland Arts and Antiques in Indy.
If you have a specific piece you are looking for in your home, contact us. We will find the perfect piece and customize it to your liking.

And don't forget to look for a Wednesday Pinsday. Tomorrow we'll have a special treat- something we created and a craft from Pinterest that we aced!

Love Always,

Chanel & Mina