Sunday, January 26, 2014

Holly Hobby

This polar vortex, winter break, and snow days have turned me into Mrs. Holly Hobby. I have spent more times on the hobbies I already enjoy, such as working on pieces for our booth. I have also started on new ones. I have been reading books for my New Year's Resolution #Read26Indy, which you can read about in this post. I am half way through my third break of the year and I am loving substituting trashy TV for reading. I have read The Interestings and Eleanor and Park (which was awesome and will remind you of your first love). Now I am reading Dark Places:

This book is by the author of Gone Girl, a book I read and loved. Both Gone Girl and Dark Places will be movies this year. So far, I love this as much as I loved Gone Girl!

I have also started knitting! My awesome friend Mina taught me how to knit recently and I have been obsessed ever since. I went to the craft store and stocked up on knitting supplies. I have knitted one scarf already and have started another one. I mean in this cold, who doesn't love a hand-knitted scarf? Here are some pictures of my knitting projects:
I loved this yarn when I saw it and knew I wanted to use it for my first scarf. It goes with everything!

This is my next scarf, sparkly teal. In case you can't tell, I have a soft spot for teal. 
Knitting is so calming and it is a great hobby to have. My next project is going to be a hat for my lovely husband (in Colts' blue as he requested). Stay tuned for future #Read26Indy updates and a DIY project we did in our house to prep it for listing. Try to stay warm (maybe with a hand-knitted scarf)!

Monday, January 20, 2014

It Was All Yellow

Recently we have been very busy packing up our house in preparation for our move. We have also been working hard on pieces to put in the booth so we don't have to move those pieces to our other house and then into the booth. We recently sold a teal dresser and very yellow vanity.

When we bought the paint, we wanted it to be mustard yellow. However, it turned out to be bright yellow. So we ended up with one very yellow vanity. Luckily, it was someone's cup of tea. This is a testament that things don't always go as planned when redoing furniture, but you just have to roll with it and paint again if needed. There have been pieces that we put in the booth and then decide that we actually do want to paint them. Then, we take them home and redo them. It could be something as small as a lamp or something as big as a vanity. Anyways, here are the during pictures of the pieces packed into our living room (due to the recent freezing temps):

This is a common scene in our house during the winter. Paint doesn't stick nearly as well or look as good when you put it on in the cold. Trust me.
Here is what the two pieces look like in the booth, starting with the teal dresser:
This dresser was missing a handle, so we bought these handles at True Value. They have a great collection of vintage-style handles for decent prices.
I told you it was seriously yellow. The stool had an ugly fabric on it, so we reupholstered it. You can find out tutorial in this old post. And here is what the booth looked like:
I hope you enjoyed a little sunshine vanity in your life! Stay tuned for a home improvement project that we did to sell our house and a new hobby of mine!