Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year, New Books

2014 is almost here! 2013 has been a crazy great year for me and I am ready to celebrate a new year! This is the time of year where resolutions always come up. Now I am not usually the type to make resolutions. However, this year, I found a resolution that caught my eye and had to do it! The Indianapolis Star has started a city-wide resolution to read 26 books in a year. That comes out to a book every two weeks and about 20 pages per day. How cool is it that a whole city will keep me accountable? I think pretty cool.

The reason I love this resolution is because I love reading. I have been trying to read more, but I end up just wasting my time watching mindless TV shows (I have fallen into a Bravo black hole this winter break). I know that if I follow this plan that holds me accountable, I will make time for something that I love to do. So, here is the first book I am going to read in 2014: "The Interestings."

I found this book by looking through Gail Werner's Goodreads list. Gail used to be my boss and she always gave me the BEST book recommendations, including my favorite book to date, The Book Thief. Whenever I need a good book, I look at her Goodreads list or her What I'm Loving lists on her blog. On that note, don't be surprised if many of my future 2014 books come from that place ;)

Another book I will be reading is "Teaching with Poverty in Mind: What Being Poor Does to Kids' Brains and What Schools Can Do About It." All of the teachers in my school are supposed to be reading a chapter before each staff meeting. So this will be a bonus book for me. I have started it and it is so eye-opening. As a person who grew up middle-class, it is so helpful as an SLP in a school of poverty to read this book.

What are some of your resolutions this year? I hope they are ones you are excited about! Look out for my #Read26Indy updates in 2014. In the meantime, stay tuned for a post about our annual New Year's Eve party and an overdue booth update. See you next year!!


  1. LOVE!!! I'm pushing myself with my books this year too! I've been slacking off this year! It's truly one of the easiest things that I can do to get satisfaction and relaxation. I need to make it more of a daily priority, instead of just binging when I'm on vacation.

    I've also thought about joining or starting a book club sometime this year ... does that make me a real adult or what?? Maybe this summer!

  2. Good for you hon! Reading is like anything you do -- the more you do of it, the easier it becomes! Proud of you for tackling The Interestings. I LOVED that book—it's kind of a modern-day American Novel (in the sense Meg covers SO many topics of the past 20th century in it!) High on your list in the months to come should be Eleanor & Park (my OTHER fave read of 2013). Happy reading -- and maybe you can sneak up on a break at some point so we could grab lunch and talk books!
