Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday Pinsday, the Mina edition

In an imaginary world/alternate universe that’s fueled by wishy-thinking I have a cabin on a lake.
It would have a small dock with a little row boat, a big warm barn with a couple horses and a few bikes for riding through the trails- did I forget to mention there are trails? There would be stacks of Billie Holiday records, sizzling bacon served in the morning and no internet. My imaginary cabin would have a well stocked library and a wet bar filled with several types of bourbon, big cozy cardigans and beat up wellies hanging out by the back door. There would be oversized hammocks, a cigar humidor hiding near the fireplace and a type writer to keep me company.
I imagine it being a place to hide from the world and entertain my closest friends- we would pick apples from the neighboring farm during the afternoon and tell stories by camp fire at night.
It would be perfect and I imagine it would look a little something like this…

Now I want to know, what would your hideaway look like? Don't forget to drop us a line, check out our new Double Dip of Hipstore and visit our booth, #1964 at Midland Arts and Antiques in Indianpolis.


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