Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Home History: Built-in

Today I am sharing the second part in series about our home. One of the things we really liked about the living room when we toured the home was the built-in shelving. However, when we tore out the old ceilings to return the ceiling to its original height, we realized the old shelving was too short for the space. So we screwed it to the wall and Kyle and his dad built cabinets underneath. I love the built-in and I think it is a great focal point in the living room. It also houses my books and our relics, which are close to our hearts.

Here is the before picture:

Here are the after pictures (taken by the lovely Kyle Lewis):

I think the white looks so much better than the wood. It really makes it stand out. I also took a risk here and painted the wall behind the built-in a radish color. Before the built-in was in, I was really regretting it. But in the end, the risk reaped a reward.

My mom had these at work and said they had to go here. I obviously agreed.

Books + owl = love.

I made the wreath with old encyclopedia pages and a wreath form.

In this photo you can see my beloved Buddha lamp and some more Buddhas on the bookshelves.

A reflection of our starburst, flower light.

A metallic Buddha that I bought in New York.

Around our house we love newspapers. Kyle loves them so much he works for two. So when I found these baskets made out of newspapers, I snatched them up.

This is what I call my shelf. It shows my love of travel and NYC. It also holds my letter C.

"A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous." - Coco Chanel (had to incorporate my namesake).

I love our vintage Brownie camera that was a gift from Aeriel and Neil because Kyle is a photographer (see pictures above and below) and the man who invented Brownie cameras was from Pendleton!

Kyle's letter sits on his newspapers and owls from his grandma in his shelf.

I hope you enjoyed seeing on of my favorite things in the house full of our most sentimental tchotchkes. See you soon with a booth update!


  1. I love your built-in because it NEVER looks crowded or cluttered. A lot of time people have knick-knacks out without a purpose, and your built-in never ever seems that way. Every thing has its meaning and its reason for being there! I love that!!!!

    I love these posts :) :)

  2. Thanks! My mom helped me with this a lot! Your comments are always so nice and they make me feel so good! I can't wait to see you this weekend at the bridal shower!
