Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Deep blue chair

The past couple of weeks have been crazy! Don't get me wrong, I loved having Labor Day off. But every time I have a day off, I feel like I end up paying for it and trying to catch up. So between grad school and work, I haven't had much time to work on projects this week.

I did have time to work on one small project though. A while back Kyle and I bought a pack of retro school chairs. Four of them were an awesome orange color we loved, but two were a tan color. The tan color would have been fine, but they showed some wear. So I decided I wanted to paint them royal blue. I used oil-based paint so it would hold up. Kyle didn't like the idea at first, but when I started painting he admitted that it was a great idea.

Here is the before picture:

Here is a picture of me painting the chair. This really lets you see how much the blue makes the chair pop compared to the drab brown color.

And here are the after pictures:

I am really happy with how it turned out. And we have another brown chair that I now know I am going to do the same thing with!

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