Monday, February 17, 2014

The Write Stuff

So things have been pretty crazy 'round here. Work has been pretty busy, especially with Valentine's Day on Friday. Also, we got keys to the new house and moved some essential items so I don't have to commute as much this week. My next post will be about the house. However, right now, let's talk about that Valentine's Day at work I was talking about.

I decided to make Valentines for all of my speech kiddos. I usually see them when they are writing and they always, I mean always need better/new pencils. So I knew that I wanted to give pencils (especially since the last person who had my office left a bunch) as part of the Valentine. I bought some more pencils and found this printable. I printed it off on some colored paper, used my scissors, and handed them out. Here is what they looked like:

I hope you liked it! The kiddos loved it and gave me a bunch of candy (which I totally need right?). I thought I would share this with you while we try to get situated at the house and get some Internet set up there.

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